Harford Post 39 is among the oldest of American Legion Posts, having been chartered on January 21, 1929 – just 10 years after The American Legion was incorporated by Congress. We are one of the largest Posts in the State of Maryland, with over 1,000 legion members alone. Combined with our Sons of The American Legion Squadron 39, American Legion Auxiliary Unit 39, and American Legion Riders Chapter 39, we serve over 1,700 members and their families. We are recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)19 Veteran's Organization. As such, any donations made to our post are considered as a tax-exempt donation by the donor.
What are the eligibility dates for membership in The American Legion?
Thanks to the LEGION Act (Let Everyone Get Involved in Opportunities for National Service Act), Congress expanded the current eligibility period to cover Dec. 7, 1941, to the present, and includes the current war campaigns. Previously, there were seven declared war periods. Now there are two, the current war period dating back to World War II and another war era covering World War I. No other restrictions to American Legion membership changed.
The Post meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:00pm (September - June), and last for approximately 90 minutes. During this time, the post is closed to all guests with normal business hours resuming thereafter.
On January 21, 2019 we celebrated our 90th Anniversary; here's to another 90+ years!